The family home is empty...
This is the rebel base. The place that you can always come to. Being alone can be good for a day or two. Then your thoughts can take over. The mind is a good servant but a poor master. Winter approaches. People warm homes. I am not sure of the Science, but it just feels that way. You see chairs that used to have people on. Babies dressed as adults.
There is a light in the world as I go to the toilet in the dark. I see it from the windows. I look out and see snow. It rarely snows in Liverpool. Now the world is covered in Christmas. It is covered in Narnia. I travel back to my youth. A smell. A memory. TV the only thing on in the house. A theatre of dreams in a small box.
It is 2000. Snow covers the garden as I watch 'The Mission' in the early hours...
It is the late 80s. The only light in the kitchen is the small side light and the oven. Christmas approaches. I can smell the tree. The fake snow we used to spray on the windows. Going to my Nan's house. Selection Boxes. Quality Street. Films. Star Wars. Martin Mere....
I dream on...
And on...
And on...
And somebody spoke...
And I went into a dream...